Central America:

Perez, Ramon & Annette – Costa Rica
Robertson, Jonathan & Sarah - Costa Rica
Sherwood, Stan & Jackie - Panama

South America:

Frizzell, Paul & Barbara - Bolivia
Hickey, Gerald & Kristen – Brazil
Johnson, Dan & Gerri– Brazil
Losnach, Natal & Sonia– Brazil
Masters, Virginia – Argentina
Trask, Steven & Marilyn – Brazil

Adams, Kevin & Stacy - Wales

Berry, Brian - Ireland 
Brock, Paul & Doris – Germany

Campbell, David & Mary - Wales
Falk, Willie & Sandra – Germany

Flores, Joseph & Darcy - Estonia

Gritts, Tom & Gail – England

Lukanov, Vladimier & Debbie - Estonia
Mathis, Carolyn – Scotland
Minton, Ron & Nancy – Ukraine
Pethtel, Scott & Dominique – Italy 
Reeves, Tarl & Adrienne - England 
Sampson, Keith & Lisa - Estonia
Spolestra, John & Joanne - Holland 
Taylor, Larry & Jean - Belgium  

Why World Missions?

​​ It has been said that Missions is the heartbeat of God. He so loved the world that He gave a great mission offering… His Son! From the very beginning, the plan of our Lord has been a world-wide plan. His last command (to go) must be our first concern!

Bible Baptist Church

11 Lakeview Ave.

St. Charles Missouri

North America:

Abbott, Jerry & Ruth – MANNA

Baptist Bible College
Bautista, Roberto & Nikki – Hispanic groups 
Boston Baptist Bible College
BBFI Missions Office

Norris, Ken & Debbie – Navajo Indians (Arizona)

Missionary2Missionary Care (Don & Kathy Mingo)

Pratt, Steve & Laura - Alberta Canada
Phillips, Jim – Evangelist

Sagmont Youth Camp
Zimmerman, Gary & Artis – Jews of America


Adams, Rick
Bivens, Rick & Susie (Ambassador Baptist Bible College)
Lee, Jim & Becky
Lilly, Larry & Sharon
Smith, Leonard & Susan
Smith, Luther & Martha
Strong, Charles & Jurldean 
Swearingin, Don & Deloris

Swearingin, Heather


Akers, Deneen – Japan
Bosler, Frank & Mary -- Korea
Crocker, Ray & Ginger – Singapore
Freeman, David & Karen – Nepal
Stone, LuJean – Hong Kong

Wright, Philip & Sarah - Cambodia

Europe (Cont.):

Williams, Don & Joy - France 


Bowles, Mona - Zambia

Bragg, Larry & Donna – Africa
Coley, Jane - Kenya
Daniels, Russ & Sylvia – Uganda
Dodson, Dee – Tanzania
Downs, Timothy & Barbara – Ivory Coast

Duenow, Elliot & Bethany
George, James & Lonelle – Ivory Coast
Guimon, Debbie – Uganda (S.O.A.P.)
Workman, Steve & Pam – Botswana


Dick, Bethany - Philippines
Moody, Mary - New Zealand
Perkins, Randy & Linda - Australia
Richards, Ian & Amanda - Australia
Spore, Steve & Lynn - Vanuatu 

Middle East:

Khoury, Naim – Israel (Bethlehem)

CAN (Creative Access Nation)

Kumar, Winston & Ruth Ann

Lusa, David and Malea