Bible Baptist Church

11 Lakeview Ave.

St. Charles Missouri

What difference can just a ‘little’ make? Consider this at 211 degrees water is very hot, but at 212 degrees – just one degree more, water boils and when it boils it makes steam. And with steam you can power a steam engine and a steam engine can move a train! That’s a lot of difference from one little degree.

If you are a sports enthusiast then you are aware that a mere fraction of a second can make the difference between a gold medal and a bronze medal in Olympic track events. Athletes train for months (even years) to improve just ‘a little’.

How about us as God’s people are we willing to put forth the effort to improve our relationship and our service for Christ ‘just a little’. If we all do just a little more we might very well be surprised what an impact it could have on our walk for the Lord and our impact as a family of faith.  The challenge before us this year is to do a little more in 2024. We’re not asking for a gigantic commitment of time or energy (though God may lead you to do a bit more), we just want all of God’s people to set their sights a little higher this year than last.

Just think if you would commit to just ten minutes more time in prayer each day by the end of 2024 that would total 3,660 minutes (this is a leap year) or a whopping 61 hours. Do you think 61 hours of prayer might make a difference? That was a rhetorical question. OF COURSE IT WOULD!!!

For about $1.64 a day or $11.48 a week our church could support another missionary family to take God’s word to a foreign field. It’s hard to buy lunch at a fast food restaurant for $11.48 these days.

Just a little could make a big, big difference. If just twenty member invited one person a month to church, by the end of the year that would be 240 people would have received an invitation to hear the gospel. If just one of those people trusted Christ, Jesus says it would be worth more than the whole world!

It is my conviction that God saved you on purpose for a purpose! Are you investing in God’s work to discover your purpose? It might take just a little more.

To help you begin this New Year right we are going to begin a new bible study together on Sunday Evening at 6:00 called the Foundations (in Genesis). This will include a video message from Ken Hamm, perhaps the leading Creation Scientist of our day. I think that you will find that creation, far from being anti-science is completely scientific in nature. I believe it was A W Tozer who stated “if you can accept Genesis chapter on verse one as literal, then everything else in the Bible is not only believable but to be expected.”

We will also be engaging in a study of the book of Ecclesiastes on Wednesday night to discover the ‘Meaning of Life’. Taken together that is two major questions in our world today: “Where did I come from?” And “Why am I here”? The Good News is… the Bible has the answer! Join us won’t you?Check out the calendar page for updates or further additions to our schedule around the church, if you need more information feel free to call the church office at 636-947-0367 or send us anemia through the contact us tab.


 August 2024 Newsletter

             This is a month of both celebration and transition. Sunday the 4th we will celebrate the retirement of Pastor and Ms. Paula Parks. They have served here at Bible Baptist church for 19 years. Pastor Parks came here after serving as Pastor in Wabash, IN for 17 years. Though we are saddened to see them go we rejoice with them as God leads them into the next phase of their lives together. We will never be able to fully express our gratitude to God for blessing us with their amazing love, leadership, friendship and Godly example as our Pastor and Pastor's wife that He gave us for these many wonderful years  On behalf of our entire church family of 19 years I say Thank you to them and their family for sharing them with us and for all the lives they touched. 

            As a church family we must continue in prayer to God for who He would have to shepherd our church moving forward. I encourage everyone to remain faithful to what God has called us to do as we continue to serve together and fulfill our calling to carry on and carry out the Great Commission. We must faithfully gather together weekly to fellowship and worship while learning under the preaching and teaching of God's Word. (Heb. 10:25) 

          On Wednesday evening the 14th we will have a special guest Missionary Arnold Belasco (Spain) joining us. We will be praying for our students as they prepare to go back to school for the fall. There is so much to look back on and Thank God for and so much more to look forward to as we trust and follow God here at Bible Baptist Church. ( 2 Tim. 3:14)
For additional information please call our church office at (636) 947-0367.

Praying for you and your family,

Brad Harris 
Associate Pastor